JEFF MILLS, the Purpose Maker and godfather of banging techno headlined the NEW FORMS FESTIVAL, Vancouver BC last Thursday where he premiered his new project STAR PEOPLE. A musical journey composed of several different sequences. Your reporter didn’t really know what to expect at first. Was this going to be a sit-your-ass-down show and watch sorta thing – or more of a dance event?
It turned out to be a full on rave at a Hangar with 5 CDJs, 2 DJM900 mixers and TWO Roland TR 909’s. WOW!
Upon arrival, the party spot was a bit difficult to pinpoint, until far in the dark, a huge line popped up.
As the venue was far away from Vancouver’s local nightlife strip (Granville Street) only the true hardcore fans showed up (en masse).
Once inside, the whole damn place was already packed. At the very beginning, it seemed the crowd still had to take this experience in. Yet slowly, but surely the crowd started to move.Jeff Mills showcased a very warm, but pounding sound full of analog bliss. Repeating patterns slowly transforming into hypnotizing soundscapes took hold of the audience. Each element gently interacting with each other. At the right moments, a sudden burst of noise would come out. Huge lead riffs out of nowhere that pumped up the energy. It was when Jeff started taking full effect (or abuse) of his 909’s when everyone lost their ‘cool’ and started jump-lifting, pimp-pumping, tech-tripping, beer-bouncing, mind-shuffling and rave-wipping.
So this was the world premiere of Star People, his new musical outing accompanied by some sick visuals. It’s techno to all its core. Jeff Mills is a master at what he does and still after all these years he remains a true scene leader.
The pre-announced sequences were:
Sequence 1 – The Night A Star Fell To Earth
Sequence 2 – The Visitors
Sequence 3 – Star Child Connection
Sequence 4 – RH Minus [in/out segment]
Sequence 5 – Eternal Expansions
Yet at the event itself it seemed there were more and the order was different.
The Night A Star Fell To Earth was definitely the most banging part of the show and we even heard his classic THE BELLS fly by. It seems to me that this project is based on a great amount of new material mixed together in ‘new forms’ for each gig. (pardon the pun, it was intended).
NEW FORMS FESTIVAL showcases many more artists and lasts until Sunday September 15th. The NFF is part of a larger, international, multi-media festival movement, which explores the ever changing and evolving world of art and creates a platform for artistic growth. The society wishes to make new media art, music, film, technology based installation and performance accessible to a wider audience.