Listen to the release here: STVG continues his quickly growing momentum with a trap metal influenced track with a
Listen to the release here:
STVG continues his quickly growing momentum with a trap metal influenced track with a collaboration with popular trap metal producer, Muppy. The track starts off with a trap metal section giving fans a little sneak peak into what is to come with Muppy’s production and menacing vocal delivery. Building into the drop, listeners are quickly met with the staple heaviness of a STVG tune, with machine gun style tearout basses that will more than likely cause a few injuries on the dancefloor. The track then transitions into a metal breakdown, leading into the second drop. The duo opts to go with a half time tearout, trap infusion drop to close out another heavy hitting addition to STVG’s discography.
When asked about the track STVG had the following to say “Muppy and I originally had plans to make something years ago but we didn’t get around to it until last year. He has always been one of my biggest inspirations so being able to make a tune with him is an honor. The name “GUILLOTINE PT. II” is a reference to Muppy’s track “GUILLOTINE” which worked way too well as a foundation for me to build on to pass up; so we decided to make a sequel to it.” He also went on to say “In the beginning, I didn’t know exactly how I expected this collaboration to pan out. There were so many different routes we could’ve taken, however, I think the outcome was everything it needed to be – Insanely heavy with influence from Trap Metal, Tearout, Hardcore/Metal and Hard Trap. This is also the first release of mine to feature my own vocals.” He finished off his interview by giving a tip to up and coming producers saying “At this point just do whatever you want. There are no rules except to be a good person, it goes a long way; a lot longer than you probably think it does.”
STVG Biography – Honesty and raw expression; the two key elements that form the reasoning for STVG’s outright unforgiving sound and chilling aesthetic. With the rawness of his sound deriving from a life-long infatuation with heavy music, the young Brit strives to create the most brutally honest music possible as a means to translate his past, and sometimes ongoing, emotional turmoil into an unapologetically heavy medium. Behind the blood and unrelenting sounds resides a more profound significance which he leaves to be interpreted by everyone individually. In doing so he hopes that it will allow people to align themselves with his art and use it as a device to help them through their own personal struggles. Whether you perceive his music as mindlessly heavy, or try to search for what lies beneath, it can be assured that there will be blood.